
Lawn care job quote estimator calculator

Get an estimate for your lawn care job quotes with our calculator.

How to use the lawn quote calculator
  1. Enter the length of your lawn: Type in the number representing how long your lawn is.
  2. Enter the width of your lawn: Type in the number representing how wide your lawn is.
  3. Rate per Square Foot: Enter the amount of money you charge per square foot for lawn care.
  4. Minimum Charge: Enter the minimum amount of money you require for any lawn care service.
  5. Additional Services (Optional): If you offer any extra services like Lawn Pest Control, Weed Control, Seeding, Fertilizer, Aeration, Wildflower Seeding, or Border Plants, select the service from the list and click “Add Service.”
  6. Calculate: Click the “Calculate” button to see the estimated charge for your lawn care service.
  7. View Results: The estimated charge for your lawn, including any additional services, will be displayed below.

Please note that the calculator assumes your lawn is a rectangle. It calculates the area based on the length and width you provide. The total charge is calculated by multiplying the grass size by the rate per square foot and making sure it meets the minimum charge requirement of $25 (you can edit this number).

Additional services are added to the total charge if you select them.

Feel free to adjust the values and options to suit your specific lawn care business!

Lawn Quote Calculator

Lawn Quote Calculator

– $0.01–0.06 per square foot is the average