Side Hustle

Finding Inner Balance: How to Set Up a Side Hustle as a Meditation Coach

Are you passionate about meditation and its transformative effects? Ready to share your knowledge and guide others on a journey of inner peace and mindfulness? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the rewarding world of setting up a side hustle as a meditation coach. From harnessing your expertise to attracting clients, we’ll delve into the key steps and strategies that will help you establish yourself as a trusted guide in the realm of meditation. Whether you’re seeking additional income or simply want to make a positive impact on people’s lives, get ready to embark on a fulfilling and purpose-driven path as a meditation coach.

How much money can you make?

The fees for private coaching sessions can vary widely, ranging from $50 to $300 or more per hour, depending on the coach’s experience and reputation.

According to Ziprecruiter, if you took a salaried position – the average annual pay for a Meditation Coach in the United States is $63,577 a year.

What qualifications do I need?

While there are no strict qualifications required to become a meditation coach, having certain qualifications and training can enhance your credibility and provide you with a solid foundation for your coaching practice. Here are some qualifications and training options to consider:

Meditation Teacher Training

Completing a meditation teacher training program can equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to guide others in their meditation practice. Look for reputable programs that offer comprehensive training in meditation techniques, teaching methodologies, anatomy of meditation, ethics, and client management.

Mindfulness-Based Programs

Consider enrolling in mindfulness-based programs like Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) or Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). These programs often include teacher training components and provide a structured approach to mindfulness practice that can be valuable in your coaching practice.

Yoga Teacher Training

While not specifically focused on meditation, completing a yoga teacher training program can deepen your understanding of mindfulness and meditation practices. Yoga and meditation often go hand in hand, and having a yoga teacher certification can broaden your scope as a meditation coach.

Psychology or Counseling Background

A background in psychology or counseling can provide you with a deeper understanding of human behavior, mental health, and client dynamics. It can be beneficial when working with individuals who have specific emotional or psychological needs.

Continuing Education and Workshops

Stay updated with the latest research and advancements in meditation and mindfulness by attending workshops, seminars, and conferences. These educational opportunities can help you expand your knowledge and refine your coaching skills.

Certification Programs

Although certification is not mandatory, obtaining a certification from a reputable organization can add credibility to your coaching practice. Look for certifications from well-known institutions or meditation teacher organizations that align with your values and teaching approach.

Remember that while qualifications and certifications can provide a strong foundation, your practical experience, personal practice, and the ability to connect with and guide your clients effectively are equally important. Continuously learning and expanding your knowledge will help you evolve as a meditation coach and provide the best possible support to your clients.

A workshop for meditation

What certification programs are there?

There are several certification programs available for individuals interested in becoming meditation coaches or mindfulness instructors. Here are some well-known certification programs and organizations in the field:

International Mindfulness Teachers Association (IMTA): IMTA offers a comprehensive certification program for mindfulness teachers. Their certification process involves completing a recognized mindfulness teacher training program, meeting specific teaching experience requirements, and adhering to ethical guidelines.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Teacher Certification: The Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Medical School offers a certification program for MBSR teachers. This program requires completing an in-depth MBSR teacher training, fulfilling supervised teaching and mentoring requirements, and demonstrating a commitment to personal mindfulness practice.

Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI): SIYLI offers a certification program in mindfulness and emotional intelligence. Their program focuses on mindfulness-based emotional intelligence and leadership skills. Completion of their teacher training program qualifies individuals for certification as SIYLI teachers.

The McLean Meditation Institute: The McLean Meditation Institute offers a variety of certification programs, including meditation teacher training, mindfulness-based stress reduction training, and specialized programs for teaching meditation to specific populations, such as children, veterans, or seniors.

When considering certification programs, it’s important to research the organization, review their curriculum and requirements, and ensure they align with your goals and values as a meditation coach. It’s also worth considering the reputation and recognition of the certification program within the field of mindfulness and meditation.

Additionally, while certification can provide credibility and enhance your skills, it’s important to remember that experience, ongoing learning, and personal practice are equally valuable in becoming an effective meditation coach.

Are there any online courses?

Yes, there are numerous online courses available for individuals interested in becoming meditation coaches or mindfulness instructors. Online courses offer flexibility, accessibility, and the opportunity to learn at your own pace. Here are a few examples of online courses and platforms that provide training in meditation coaching and mindfulness:


Udemy is an online learning platform that offers a wide range of meditation and mindfulness courses. You can find courses on topics such as

meditation instruction

Meditation Masterclass: meditation teacher certification

Meditation Practitioner / Teacher Certification (ACCREDITED)

Mindfulness-based stress reduction

Professional Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course

and mindfulness for specific purposes like sleep,anxiety, or productivity.

Mindfulness for Sleep & Insomnia

Mindfulness for Anxiety: The Ultimate Anxiety Program!

Mindfulness for Productivity

Insight Timer

Insight Timer is a popular meditation app that also offers online courses and programs. They have courses on meditation, mindfulness, and personal development taught by renowned teachers and experts. Some courses focus specifically on teaching meditation or becoming a meditation guide.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Online (MBSR Online)

The Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Medical School offers an online version of their renowned MBSR program. This self-paced course provides training in MBSR principles, practices, and teaching methodology.

The Mindfulness Association

The Mindfulness Association offers various online courses and programs, including a mindfulness teacher training pathway. They provide comprehensive training in mindfulness and compassion practices, along with teaching skills and ethics.

When choosing an online course, consider factors such as the reputation and expertise of the instructors, the course content, and any certification or recognition offered upon completion. Read reviews, check the course syllabus, and consider your own learning style and preferences to find the course that best aligns with your goals as a meditation coach.

Meditation class

How to get started

Becoming a meditation coach involves a combination of personal practice, formal training, building experience, and developing a client base. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Cultivate your own meditation practice

Establish a consistent personal meditation practice to deepen your understanding and experience of meditation. This will not only benefit you but also serve as a foundation for guiding others.

Gain knowledge and expertise

Educate yourself about different meditation techniques, styles, and philosophies. Read books, attend workshops, and explore various resources to expand your knowledge. Consider pursuing formal training programs or certifications in meditation coaching or mindfulness instruction to gain credibility.

Develop your teaching skills

It’s essential to develop effective communication and teaching skills to guide others in their meditation practice. Consider taking courses or workshops on teaching methodologies, active listening, effective communication, and holding space for others.

Offer free or discounted sessions

To gain experience and build your reputation, consider offering free or discounted meditation sessions to friends, family, or community groups. This will allow you to practice your coaching skills, receive feedback, and start building a client base.

Identify your target audience

Determine the specific group of people you want to work with as a meditation coach. It could be individuals seeking stress reduction, corporate professionals, athletes, students, or any other niche group. Understanding your target audience will help you tailor your services and marketing efforts accordingly.

Create a professional brand: Develop a professional brand identity for your meditation coaching business. This includes creating a website, designing a logo, and preparing marketing materials that reflect your expertise and values. Consider highlighting your training, certifications, and testimonials from clients or colleagues.

Network and collaborate: Connect with others in the meditation and wellness industry. Attend workshops, conferences, or events related to meditation, mindfulness, and coaching. Networking with like-minded professionals can help you gain insights, build relationships, and explore collaboration opportunities.

Market your services: Develop a marketing strategy to promote your meditation coaching services. Utilize online platforms such as social media, your website, and online directories to reach your target audience. Consider offering introductory discounts, writing blog posts or articles, or creating valuable content to attract clients.

Continuously learn and grow: Stay up to date with the latest research, trends, and practices in the field of meditation and mindfulness. Continue expanding your knowledge and skills through advanced training, workshops, and professional development opportunities.

Remember, building a successful meditation coaching practice takes time, dedication, and ongoing effort. Stay committed to your own growth and provide a high-quality experience for your clients.

Meditation can make you smarter

An amazing fact about meditation is that it can have a measurable impact on the structure and function of the brain. Numerous studies using brain imaging techniques like fMRI have shown that regular meditation practice can lead to physical changes in the brain, including increased gray matter volume, strengthened neural connections, and improved cortical thickness in areas associated with attention, emotional regulation, and empathy.

These findings suggest that meditation has the potential to reshape the brain’s neural networks and enhance various cognitive functions. For example, long-term meditators have shown increased activity in the prefrontal cortex, which is associated with decision-making and problem-solving, and reduced activity in the amygdala, which is involved in processing fear and stress responses.

The ability of meditation to induce neuroplasticity highlights the remarkable adaptability of the human brain and underscores the transformative potential of meditation practice for mental well-being and overall cognitive functioning.

You can use this in your sales and marketing – here is an example

Introducing the Power of Meditation: Unleash the Potential of Your Brain!

Discover the Remarkable Benefits of Meditation:

🌟 Reshape Your Brain: Scientific research using advanced brain imaging techniques has revealed the extraordinary effects of meditation on the brain. Through regular practice, you can experience increased gray matter volume, strengthened neural connections, and improved cortical thickness in crucial areas of your brain associated with attention, emotional regulation, and empathy.

🌟 Enhance Cognitive Functioning: Imagine having a sharper mind, improved decision-making skills, and enhanced problem-solving abilities. With meditation, you can tap into the full potential of your brain. Long-term meditators have shown increased activity in the prefrontal cortex, the hub of executive functions, enabling you to think clearer, focus better, and perform at your peak.

🌟 Reduce Stress and Boost Resilience: In today’s fast-paced world, stress can take a toll on your well-being. But with meditation, you gain a powerful tool to combat stress. Studies have demonstrated that regular meditation practice leads to reduced activity in the amygdala, the brain’s fear center, resulting in decreased stress responses. Cultivate a sense of calm, balance, and resilience that will empower you to face life’s challenges with greater ease.

🌟 Cultivate Mindfulness and Self-Awareness: Meditation is a doorway to greater self-awareness and mindfulness. By immersing yourself in the practice, you develop a heightened sense of presence and learn to live in the moment. Experience life more fully, deepen your connections with others, and unlock a profound sense of inner peace and harmony.

🌟 Transform Your Life: Embrace the transformative power of meditation. Through consistent practice, you can embark on a journey of personal growth, self-discovery, and profound positive change. Witness the amazing shifts in your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being as you unlock the immense potential within you.

Don’t miss the opportunity to harness the power of meditation and revolutionize your life. Join us on this incredible journey toward a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling existence.

Contact us today to start your meditation practice and experience the incredible benefits it holds for you. Take the first step toward unlocking the extraordinary potential of your brain and living a life of mindfulness, clarity, and bliss.

Top 5 things

When setting up as a meditation coach as a side hustle, there are several important factors to consider. Here are the top five things to keep in mind:

  1. Time Commitment:
    Assess how much time you can realistically dedicate to your meditation coaching side hustle. Consider your existing work schedule, personal commitments, and the time required for client sessions, preparation, marketing, and professional development. Ensure you have enough time to provide quality coaching while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
  2. Target Audience and Niche:
    Determine your target audience and the specific niche you want to focus on as a meditation coach. This could be corporate professionals, parents, athletes, or any other group with specific needs or interests. Having a clear target audience will help you tailor your services and marketing efforts effectively.
  3. Services and Pricing:
    Define the services you will offer as a meditation coach and establish pricing that reflects the value you provide. Consider whether you will offer private coaching sessions, group classes, workshops, or a combination of these. Research the market rates in your area and assess your experience and qualifications to determine fair pricing for your services.
  4. Legal and Insurance Considerations:
    As a meditation coach, it’s important to understand the legal and insurance requirements associated with your side hustle. Research any necessary permits or licenses needed to operate your business, and consider obtaining liability insurance to protect yourself and your clients.
  5. Marketing and Promotion:
    Develop a marketing strategy to attract clients to your meditation coaching side hustle. Consider creating a professional website, establishing a presence on social media platforms, and utilizing word-of-mouth referrals. Think about how you will communicate the benefits of your coaching services and differentiate yourself from competitors.

It’s also crucial to continuously improve your skills, stay updated with the latest research, and nurture your own meditation practice. This will not only enhance your effectiveness as a coach but also demonstrate your commitment to personal growth and professional development.


In conclusion, setting up a side hustle as a meditation coach offers a unique opportunity to find inner balance while sharing the transformative practice of meditation with others. By embarking on this path, you not only have the chance to cultivate a deeper connection with yourself but also to positively impact the lives of those you guide.

As we’ve explored, starting as a meditation coach requires a combination of personal practice, formal training, and practical considerations. By dedicating time to developing your skills, identifying your target audience, and creating a professional brand, you can establish a solid foundation for your coaching practice.

While it may take time and effort to build your client base and navigate the challenges of managing a side hustle, the rewards are immense. Witnessing the profound shifts in your clients’ well-being, seeing them embrace a more mindful approach to life, and playing a role in their personal growth can be incredibly fulfilling.

Remember, finding inner balance is not only about guiding others but also nurturing your own meditation practice. Prioritize your own well-being and continuously expand your knowledge and skills to ensure you provide the highest quality coaching experience.

So, if you’re ready to embark on this journey of self-discovery, connection, and sharing, take the leap and set up your side hustle as a meditation coach. Embrace the potential to create a positive impact, find harmony within yourself, and inspire others to cultivate a more mindful and balanced life.

Start your path toward finding inner balance today and empower others to do the same. Together, let’s create a world where meditation is accessible to all, and inner peace becomes a guiding light for individuals seeking harmony amidst the chaos of everyday life.